Witch Land (The Cindy Chronicles #2) Read online

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  She didn’t though. “It’s true. We hoped to wait a while before you found out.”

  “So who’s my father?” I crossed my arms and turned away. “Never mind, I don’t think I want to know.”

  Quilla shut the curtains, throwing the room into darkness. “It’s better if you know everything. The sooner, the better at this point, but first you need to find the glass lyre. I spoke with Violet, the recordkeeper, and she said it’s been mentioned several times in the Life Scrolls.”

  “What about Mizrabel? Why would she even suggest that I find them? Why would she try to help me?”

  Quilla shrugged. “It isn’t that your mother is against us, she’s just never been with us.”

  “If I go back to Salem, will you come with me?”

  Quilla’s face softened and she touched my hair. “Haven’t you figured out that I’m always with you? Even if you can’t see me.”

  She didn’t answer my question directly, but I got the sense if I needed her she’d be there. “Okay, well, I guess I’m going home… or back to Salem.” A lump settled in my throat. I’d be back in my room, the place where Gabe and I had spent many nights together. He’d kissed me, told me he loved me. And he’d broken up with me there. I didn’t want to go back alone.

  “At least you won’t be alone.” Quilla said and opened the door.

  “I won’t?”

  Leo walked in. “My magic is stronger than yours. I’m going with you.”

  Home Again

  I liked the idea of Leo going. At the same time I didn’t. It could get awkward. “Um, that isn’t necessary, Leo.” My heart sped up.

  Leo tucked his hands in his front pockets. “I’m going.” He threw his shoulders back. “That’s final, Cinderella.”

  For him to use my full name made me feel like a child being scolded by an unhappy parent. I didn’t like it. Through gritted teeth I said, “Since when did you start making decisions for me?”

  He signed. “This isn’t about you. It’s about this land. As the Prince I’ve been commanded to come with you.” He raised an eyebrow and I got the feeling he wanted me to understand. This had to do with his father, the King. He’d told him to go with me, which meant he had to go. He wasn’t given a choice.

  “Fine,” I said. “When do you leave?”

  Leo stepped close. “Now,” he said, taking my hands.

  That reminded me: I needed to practice the method of travelling from this world to Earth and back again. He’s said two words. What were they again? Avardas. Stolendra. Avapa. Stolapa. I wasn’t sure. My hand made a fist around the hourglass charm tucked in my cleavage.

  Leo gave me a funny look and stood next to me. He was so close I could smell him, like morning sunshine and man and citrus, a heady combination.

  “Besides,” he whispered. “You need me to get you back.”

  I thought about the last time we journeyed across the worlds together, of the way we’d travelled to get to Polonias. I’d been in his arms. My face grew warm.


  The colors in the room started to swirl like mixed paint, and I didn’t even have time to say good-bye to Quilla. I focused on Leo’s face. His eyes were closed and I knew he was concentrating. I wondered if I should be doing that, too, but I wasn’t sure where he was taking us, and I would’ve hated to do anything to mess him up. It was backward from the last time: a strong heat followed by gray-black mists. This time, as we moved through the mists, I saw the shadows of those dwelling there—red and yellow eyes bored into me and I clung harder to Leo. When the wet air vanished, we stopped. Leo opened his eyes, and a little piece of my heart softened.

  “You’re a good guy, right, Leo?” The question had him backed into a corner, because if he wasn’t a good guy he wouldn’t want me to know that, so he’d lie. But I hoped he was.

  His hands found the belt loops at my hips and he pulled me closer. “I’m your guy, Cinderella.”

  Blood and Snow: The Complete Season 1

  Lips red as rubies, hair dark as night, drink your true love’s blood, become the Vampire, Snow White.

  Cindy Witch

  Magic is her birthright. Fashion is her forte. It’s been dictated that her destiny is to help Snow White. But, Cindy is no sidekick.

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  RaShelle Workman is the international bestselling author of the Dead Roses series (“Sleeping Roses,” book 1 in the series, has been translated into Turkish and is NOW available wherever Turkish books are sold), the Immortal Essence series, the Blood and Snow series, the Cindy Chronicles, and Touching Melody (A Forever First Novel). She’s sold over three hundred thousand copies of her novels worldwide in the past year, including Japan, Canada, and Europe. You can find RaShelle all over the web, but the best place to start is on her blog: rashelleworkman.com.

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  Main Menu

  Letter to Mom and Dad

  Chapter 1 ~ Quilla

  Chapter 2 ~ Leo

  Chapter 3 ~ AnnaBelle

  Chapter 4 ~ The Vampire Queen

  Chapter 5 ~ Dinner Party

  Chapter 6 ~ Dinner Custom

  Chapter 7 ~ Mizrabel

  Chapter 8 ~ Family Tree

  Chapter 9 ~ Fireworks

  Chapter 10 ~ Home Again


  Additional Works by RaShelle Workman

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